
It's The Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying

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It's The Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying
The Lies that We Spout
In a small home, a question is left unanswered, lingering in the air. “Is lying really something that is for the better good?” Within the many levels of lying lays a wavering argument only known as lying. Is it justified? Perhaps it should only be classified as unforgivable? Lying is a “necessity” in our everyday lives, it is and can be needed for the greater good whether it comes to lying to save a relationship with a close friend, or used to protect someone and even used to save a life. Lying is an action that is acceptable; it can even be considered a necessity.
Lying is, arguably, needed in our everyday lifestyle and used to protect someone and or something; a friendship, or even protect someone from stressing
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In the article It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying written by Life on, it states in the second paragraph; “in a new Associated Press-Ipsos poll, over half of the respondents said lying was never justified. Yet in the same poll, up to two-thirds said it was OK to lie in certain situations, like protecting someone’s feelings.” It also states in paragraph seven, “nearly two-thirds of Americans agree. In the AP-Ipsos poll, 65 percent of those questioned said it was sometimes OK to lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, even though 52 percent said lying, overall, was never justified.” With this being stated, these quotations not only show that most individuals agree that lying is, overall, justified but that it is acceptable to lie such as when something such as a relationship is at stake. Also, in the article it also states in the tenth paragraph, “not only is lying justified, it is sometimes a moral duty,” says Cohen. An obvious example is when you’re lying to protect someone from serious harm. But much less extreme cases often call for lies, Cohen says.” Through these quotations, it is shown that lying, in extreme cases and less extreme cases alike, can be used to protect another from serious harm or a manner such as emotions as responses …show more content…
In the article Brad Blanton: Honestly Tell the Truth written by Barbara Ballinger it states, “yes, but we shouldn’t manipulate the truth except for rare times-if you’re hiding Anne Frank in your attic because her life is in danger.” lying can not only be “beneficial” in ways that when used, may offer an exit out of a difficult situation. In the article Teens Do their Share of Lying by Loretta Ragsdell its states, “becoming a good liar is a necessary life-survival skill.” said Tim. “Sometimes, it’s the only thing between you and a guaranteed beat down from your parents.” As Tim stated, lying can be a necessity, it is something that can even define the thin line between two

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