Over six million people own apple iPhones in the United States. Many of them don't know the how to upload music to the iPhone. In the following essay I will walk you through the process on how to upload music on to the iPhone from a computer. The Items you will need Is a Computer, iPhone, and an iPhone Sync cable. First, you would need to download the iTunes software. On your computer's web browser, go to the apple website at www.apple.com, click on the iTunes tab and download the iTunes software. Once iTunes is finished downloading, open iTunes. Then plug the iPhone using the Apple sync cable. Once the iPhone is plugged in iTunes should recognize the iPhone. Then on iTunes click on your iPhone tab. After you click on your iPhone click on the music tab and click on sync music. Select the music from your computer's music library and click on apply after you select the music you want. After clicking apply, iTunes should be uploading music to the iPhone. Once iTunes is done click on the eject button, and unplug your iPhone.
That's the process on how to put music on your iphone from your computer. Some people may have found this a difficult to figure it out how to do it on there own. I hope I had made it easy to understand.
How to put music on an iPhone
Over six million people own apple iPhones in the United States. Many of them don't know the how to upload music to the iPhone. In the following essay I will walk you through the process on how to upload music on to the iPhone from a computer. The Items you will need Is a Computer, iPhone, and an iPhone Sync cable. First, you would need to download the iTunes software. On your computer's web browser, go to the apple website at www.apple.com, click on the iTunes tab and download the iTunes software. Once iTunes is finished downloading, open iTunes. Then plug the iPhone using the Apple sync cable. Once the iPhone is plugged in iTunes should recognize the iPhone.