property, discussions occurred between project arborist and the Building and Zoning Director where an agreed determination resulted in removing and mitigating existing trees by providing those in a larger size which exceeds the requirements of the Land Development Code, which will offer a greater enhancement.
As the proposed use requires the granting of a minor conditional use and in accordance with the requirements of the Development Application, below is a narrative related to the proposed convenience store, known formally as WaWa, Incorporated.
The request for improvements have triggered the requirement of conditional use approvals by the City of Sarasota Zoning Code. Below, demonstrated is the adherence to Standards for Review. Section IV-506, as follows:
Section IV. Standards for Review Site Plan
In reaching a decision as to whether or not the site plan, as submitted, should be approved, approved with changes, approved with conditions or disapproved, the Building, Zoning and Code Enforcement Department, Planning Board and the City Commission shall consider the extent to which the application is consistent with these regulations, any conditions imposed by approval of a rezoning or conditional use, generally accepted site design principles, and the extent to which the development furthers the goals and purposes of these regulations. In the event of an appeal, the Planning Board or the City Commission may impose conditions on approval of a proposed development.
The Building, Zoning and Code Enforcement Department, Planning Board and City Commission shall use and be guided by the following criteria in the exercise of their discretion when evaluating a site plan submission.
1. Whether the proposed development, design and layout are in keeping with the intent and specific standards and criteria prescribed in pertinent section of the Land Development Regulations;
The Future Land Use designation of the subject property is Urban Edge (Edge) and its zoned as Downtown Core (DTC). The design of the project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan and zoning district regulations. This project will provide job opportunities and property taxes to the City of Sarasota that has not been generated at this level from this property.
2. Whether the proposed development, design and layout are compatible with the Sarasota City Plan, as
Yes, in conducting due diligence found was the proposed development is compatible with the Sarasota City Plan. As the proposed use is meeting the functional needs by providing efficient and effective access points, highly considering the building setbacks, erecting sufficient landscape buffer for beautification, while minimizing any impacts on neighboring or nearby properties.
3. Whether the required information has been furnished in sufficiently complete and understandable form to allow an accurate description of the proposed use(s) and structure(s) in terms of density, location, area, height, bulk, placement, setbacks, architectural design performance characteristics, parking and traffic circulation;
All of the information required for site plan review in connection with the proposed development has been provided in the submission package which is attached to the Development Application.
4. Whether there are ways in which the configuration of the development (e.g. location of use(s); intensity; density; scale; building size, mass, bulk, height and orientation; lot coverage; lot size/configuration; architecture; screening; buffers; setback; signage; lighting; traffic circulation patterns; loading area locations; operating hours; noise; odor; and other factors of compatibility) can be changed which would mitigate or improve the effect of the development on adjoining and nearby properties and on the community.
The proposed 5,636 sq.ft. convenience store and six (6) gas pumps covered by a 4,582 sq.ft canopy is being developed to minimize any impacts. There is a rail line located along the west side, an arterial roadway (Fruitville Road) along the south side, and local road (2nd Street) along the north side. The proposed building is 5,636 sq.ft. where Table VI-1003 does not restrict the floor area ratio. In addition, thee will be a stormwater Management System complying to current development regulations.
5. Whether the proposed development, design and layout has made adequate provisions for vehicular and pedestrian access, safety and traffic circulation (both internal and external to the project), in addition to the requirements of Section IV-203 pertaining to concurrency certificates;
There are three (3) vehicular and pedestrian points of access to the site. Provided in detail adequate provisions for parking and service vehicular maneuvering has been depicted on the site plan.
6. Whether the proposed development, design and layout has made adequate provision for off-site parking and loading and unloading areas; and
As shown on the Site Plan, more parking is being provided than required. In addition, the required loading zone is being provided.
7. Whether the proposed development, design and layout has preserved the natural features and characteristics of the land; including but not limited to the regard given to existing large trees; natural groves, watercourses, and similar natural features that would add attractiveness to the property and environs if thy were preserved, natural drainage systems, natural buffering, and the use of other techniques for the preservation and enhancement of the physical environment.
The proposed project has been diligently designed to comply with the City’s Tree Preservation Ordinance. All of the required buffers are being provided.