Jack hesitated when he was about to kill the pig.
This reminded me of my mother, my cause the other day my father took her out hunting and he hustled her on a wall hanger but she wouldn’t shoot him since he said it didn’t feel right. This reminded me of hunting all the way around cause right before you shoot the animal you bless God for putting them on the earth and for them to sacrifice their life just to keep you alive. They hit Piggy in the head with a rock and he fell off a cliff and died. I don’t know why but this reminded me of sports. You will always have that one kid on the team that just would do anything just to make sure that the team would win. It also reminded me of family and friends because you always have the ones that will do anything for you just to make sure that you stay happy, they don’t care about how they feel just as long as you're
alright. This is all I got to say about the book. This was a very excellent inspirational book. This book also brought back a bunch of memories.