I have chosen Jack the Ripper as my topic as it is an impelling mystery that I would love to explore and ponder of all the theories and viewpoints of different people. There are many rumours surrounding this matter, and to study these could result in new information I would never have thought of before.
The five victims that Jack the Ripper killed are Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly. These are the only five victims that the London police force found, however one of the many rumours that has spread is that Jack the Ripper took some of his victims to dissect and keep.
Mary Ann Nichols, who was discovered at 3:04am on the Friday 31st August 1888 on Bucks row, was found only moments after she had been killed by Jack the Ripper. The police, who were feeling annoyed at how close they were to catching the serial killer, they were sure that if he ever struck again he would be caught. Mary Ann Nichols was found with her throat cut fatefully, and her lower abdomen was cut open to expose a large jagged wound. This way of killing was also something that seemed to encourage the “Jack the Ripper” nickname.
His other victims were found in almost exactly the same way, although the police never caught the killer himself.
Jack the Ripper’s nickname originated on the 17th of September, 1888, when a letter was posted to the media. It was marked with the name Jack the Ripper, and although the letter was informed to be a hoax, the nickname stuck.
This was not the first letter appearing to be written by Jack the Ripper himself, as many more were sent to