H. Holmes killed between twenty-seven and two hundred people in his lifetime and most of them took place during the time of the Chicago fair. As a resut, it is not hard to believe that Holmes could have committed the Ripper murders as well. One of the similarities between Holmes and Jack the Ripper is that they both had brutal ways of killing. Holmes dissected his victims after gassing them or letting them starve to death. Whereas, the Ripper mutilated his victims. Some people argue that Holmes and the Ripper’s murdering methods were completely different. However, according to Meredith Worthen it is hard to deny the similarities between Holmes and the Ripper when it comes to their brutal and savage ways of …show more content…
When Holmes killed, he had all the time and privacy needed to dissect his victims and remove their organs. Contrarily, the Ripper had to murder in an alley, because he had nowhere private to kill which resulted in him working fast to prevent getting caught. Even though the Ripper’s job was messy, it was extremely precise. Tom Michael announced that when the Ripper murders were happening it was stated that the killer must have had some knowledge of the human body; it was even suggested that the murderer was a doctor. Coincidentally, Holmes had been a doctor for years at the time of the Ripper murders. The fact that there were people at the time saying the Ripper had anatomical knowledge just adds one more connection between Holmes and the