Along with its gentle pungency, jalapeno powder also offers a mild flavor similar to that of bell pepper. Health Benefits of Jalapeno Powder Jalapeno powder has several health benefits that come from the nutrients it contains, those nutrients include: Vitamin A
The vitamin A in jalapenos comes from carotenoids. Carotenoids are pigments found in plants that also function as antioxidants. The carotenoids in jalapenos can benefit your health in several ways such as by improving reproductive health and the health of your immune system. Possibly the most important role that vitamin A plays is in the area of eye health. Carotenoids are converted to retinol, which helps your eyes to adjust to light changes and keeps them moist. While a 1-teaspoon serving of jalapeno powder only provides about 8 percent of your daily vitamin A requirement, this is still significant given the relatively small