We'll look at the Act 2 questions during class
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Act I, Scene1
11. In Act I, scene 1 why does Iago say he hates Othello? What are all the charges he makes against the general?
12. Why does Roderigo hate Othello?
13. Why is the speech by Iago, lines 38 - 62, important in explaining what happens later?
14. Why should Roderigo pay particular attention to Iago's speech?
15. In Act I, scene 1, what is Iago's master plot to annoy Othello and Desdamona?
16. Find all the examples in I, 1, of Iago referring to the sex in terms of animals.
17. Find all the references in I, 1 of Othello as a devil. Find Iago's use of "taboo words."
18. Explain the contrast in the way Iago speaks to Brabantio and the way Roderigo speaks to him.
19. How does Brabantio's attitude toward Roderigo change in the course of this scene?
20. What is Brabantio's explanation of why his daughter has run off with Othello?
21. Why does this scene begin in the middle of a conversation?
Act I, Scene 2
22. Who does Iago tell Othello badmouthed him to Brabantio?
23. Everyone says Othello is lucky to wed the daughter of the rich Brabantio, except Othello. Why is he not impressed?
24. Explain what happens between Iago and Cassio in the short time Othello is off stage in the Sagittary (lines 47 - 52)
25. List all of the negative comments or words Brabantio uses to describe Othello.
26. How does Othello react to the provocation of Brabantio's attack?
27. Find five places in I, 2 where Othello exercises