Students get into three groups. One group will tackle each scene in Act I
Scene i
1. Describe the sensory details of the opening scene: sights, sounds, smells, etc.
2. Why do Iago and Roderigo wake up Brabantio? Why is Brabantio angry? Why does Iago slip quietly away once Brabantio comes down?
3. Explain the relationship between Iago and Roderigo. Who seems to be ‘in control’. Explain your first reaction to each of these characters.
4. Explain why Iago says he needs to get revenge on Othello. Do you think he is justified? Why is the need for revenge so powerful.. and for that matter, such a popular topic of modern music/movies?
5. How does Iago act when Desdemona’s father appears at the window? Why does it take so long for Brabantio to figure out what is going on? Why doesn’t Iago just tell him what happened straight out?
Scene ii
1. How does Iago lie at the beginning of this scene?
2. Is Othello afraid of Brabantio? Should he be?
3. What do you learn about Othello’s background from this scene? How do you learn that information?
4. Why has the Duke called for Othello? How can you tell that Othello is highly regarded in military circles?
5. Why is Brabantio so against having Othello for a son-in-law? Does he seem to blame his daughter for running off with this man? Would he feel differently if Desi had run off with another man?
Scene iii
1. How does Desdemona respond when Brabantio confronts her? What other approach to the problem could she have taken?
2. How does the Duke seem to feel about the problem of Desi and Othello? Who do you think he sympathizes with?
3. According to Othello, when did Desi and he fall in love? Why do you suppose they kept their love a secret? Does this sort of behavior fit his character as he has been described so far?
4. Like Othello, Roderigo is in love. Describe the difference between the two lovers. What is it about Roderigo that makes it easy for Iago to manipulate him?