
James Hargreaves During The Industrial Revolution

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James Hargreaves During The Industrial Revolution
Inventions, new ideas, and expansions are a few of the great achievements that have always propelled countries forward. These inventions and expansions have changed the way in which people have lived their lives. One of the great inventions that came into existence occurred during the Industrial Revolution, a time of extreme change and discovery for all people. This invention began with a man named James Hargreaves. James Hargreaves was born in 1720 in Lancashire, England (Ditchfield 12). Hargreaves grew up in Lancashire and spent most of his time working to help support his family. According to Ditchfield, Hargreaves did not know how to read or write and worked most of his life as a carpenter and weaver (Ditchfield 12). Due to the fact that …show more content…
Prior to the spinning jenny, spinning had begun to be aided by drawing rollers (Woodcroft 8). These drawing rollers were machines designed to help in the spinning of cloth. The purpose of these rollers was to act as “The mechanical substitutes for the thumb and finger of the spinner” (Woodcroft 8). During this time, Lewis Paul was a main advocate in the procession of advancements in the wool industry. According to Woodcroft, “Paul granted several licenses for the use of machines, which were set to work in various parts of the country” (Woodcroft 8-9). Paul pushed for advancement and moving forward until the time of his death. Unfortunately, Paul’s efforts were not noticed after his death. Woodcroft goes on to tell his readers that Paul’s efforts were abandoned in 1759 due to the embarrassment of the owner of the machinery, and the machinery was sold for a generous amount of money (Woodcroft 9). A few years later, Hargreaves made his discovery of the spinning jenny. The spinning jenny was a machine that worked without the use of drawing rollers (Woodcroft 9). Woodcroft continues on to inform the audience that the spinning jenny “Was used to a limited extent until the introduction of the throstle of Arkwright and the mule of Crompton” (Woodcroft

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