The Constitution states that discrimination should not be tolerated and it is not acceptable. The definition of discrimination is “ the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.” This definition corresponds to the interned of the Japanese Americans. This could be racial discrimination, how come they didn’t put German Americans in internment camps when they attacked the British Lusitania, they are our allies. We also did what Germany did with the Jews, following the brutal and poor conditions. …show more content…
Safety precautions were held because of this. This was for America’s own safety. Even though the constitution states that discrimination should not be accepted, Congress paid a total of 1.6 billion dollars because of the payment of 20,000$ each to the survivors of the interned. And we also asked the Japanese to leave, some did leave, but others also refused to leave. We took further notice and sent them to the internment camps. We did not send the German Americans to these internment camps because they did not attack