Tiffany Roberts
Molloy College
As a nurse it is imperative to integrate the psychosocial of a critically ill patient and their family into care. One not only cares for the patient’s physical health, they care for all the components that makes up the patients entity. Sick patients face many obstacles. During the different phases of illness the nurse must alter care to accommodate the patients and family’s needs. Ones acceptance to the various stages can be facilitated and expressed through the Jean Watsons Philosophy, and Transpersonal Caring Theory.
Jean Watsons Theory of Caring has become essential in nursing. Caring is at the core of nursing and is vital in providing positive patient outcomes. Watson’s theory is based upon human caring relationships and experiences in human life. She acknowledges a caring relationship and caring environment preserve human dignity, wholeness, and integrity and to restore the person’s harmony it is the nurse’s responsibility to assist an individual to establish meaning in illness and suffering (Cara, 2008). Nurses have a responsibility to evaluate the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional well- being.
Jean Watsons Theory was derived in 1979 and revised in 1985 and 1988. The majority of her revisions were made to her carative factors, in which she believes is the concept for the core of nursing (Cara, 2008). According to Suliman, Welman, Omer and Thomas, (2009), Watsons theory suggest that “Caring is a different way of being human, present, attentive, conscious, and intentional. Nursing is centered on helping the patient achieve a higher degree of harmony within mind, body, and soul, and this harmony is achieved through caring transactions involving a transpersonal caring relationship (Cara, 2008).
Human caring entails the humanitarian science of offering professional services to a needy human. This is based on the consideration