Sandra Younge
University of Phoenix
NUR 403
Sharon Little-Stoetzel
November 17, 2014
Watson 's Theory of Human Caring Paper Jean Watson began her theory of human caring in 1979 and over the years, she has been revising her theory to provide more specific explanations of her concepts and philosophy. The core of her theory remains, that human caring is based on values such as kindness, concern, and love of self and others.(Falk Rafael, 2000). This paper exhibits human caring as it relates to the patient -nurse interaction in a caring moment. Caring moments are relational, reciprocal and the patient is the focus of the nurse’s thoughts and actions.
A caring moment can be described …show more content…
In great detail, she outlines her major conceptual elements and dynamic aspects of her theory. The original ten carative factors are noted and then, she describes how they evolved into the clinical caritas and caritas processes. From this, Watson considers her work more of a philosopher than a specific theory. The transpersonal caring relationship and the caring moment are foundations of her work. Watson’s original caring model has evolved into a philosophical and moral foundation for …show more content…
(2006). Caring theory as an ethical guide to administrative and clinical practices. Jona 's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation, 8(3), .
In this article Jean Watson describes the relationship between caring and economics, and caring and administration. These entities are in conflict because the human value of caring is removed as an ethic and moral foundation for nursing practice. The dominant institution such as a hospitals, use economics, technology, science and administrative theory, to describe values and thus, pushing caring aside as a value. Jean Watson’s theory of caring and emerging models of caring is a framework for ethics in caring. The nurse administrator and the bedside nurse’s responsibilities are outlined in theory-guided models.
Watson, J. (2012). Human caring science (2 ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
This chapter discusses the values underlying human caring science as it relates to nursing. The differences between caring and non -caring is discussed according to research findings. Watson describes eleven assumptions related to human caring before discussing her value system in detail. Watson’s ten carative factors and carative processes are defined in detail and how they apply to nursing