Introduction Jean Watson’s theories of nursing are instrumental in today’s structure of nursing. Watson’s theories are being practiced in various health care setting all over the world. One of these theories in the nursing process. This entails first assessing patient, planning, intervention and evaluation. There is multitude of research proving these theories to be effective in treating and caring for patients with this consistent approach. In this paper I will dissect her different carative factors learned and that is being practiced. I will discuss different examples of Watson’s theories of caring and its application. This will depict the level of importance and how valuable this approach certainly is. Nursing is also being based on more scientific approaches that Watson’s bases some of her theories. This is consistent with the changing nature of the philosophy of science and history, and the numerous methods for the advancing knowledge of nursing. Watson (1999) Watson’s Theories Watson’s research is more focused on the caring aspect of it all. Caring is viewed as the moral ideal of nursing where there is utmost concern for human dignity and preservation of humanity as stated by Watson (1999). This focal point of her theory is the foundation in the science of nursing. Watson believed the center idea for nursing are based on various carative factors. These factors include humanistic- altruistic values, systematic use of the scientific problem-solving method for decision making, gratification of human needs, promotion of interpersonal teaching and learning. They also include qualities such as sensitivity to self and others, the need to instill faith and hope, creating trusting relationships, and promoting
References: * * Cara, C. (2003). A pragmatic view of Jean Watson 's caring theory. International Journal for Human Caring, 7(3), 51-61. * * Suliman, W., Welmann, E., Omer, T., & Thomas, L. (2009). Applying Watson 's NursingTheory to Assess Patient Perceptions of Being Cared for in a Multicultural Environment. Journal of Nursing Research (Taiwan Nurses Association), 17(4), 293-300. * * Watson, J. (1999). Nursing: Human science and human care, a theory of nursing. Sunbury, MA: NLN Press, Jones and Bartlett * * Watson, J., & Foster, R. (2003). The Attending Nurse Caring Model: integrating theory, evidence and advanced caring–healing therapeutics for transforming professional practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 12(3), 360-365. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2702.2003.00774.x.