Jennifer has also lost her mother and her father is ill. Jennifer is now facing the decision to put him in a nursing facility.
How is stress affecting Jennifer’s health?
Much of this stress is affecting Jennifer, causing her to have headaches, backaches, indigestion and she is now started to feel unhappy. She feels tired and overwhelmed with house chores and is now starting to make mistakes at work. I think that Jennifer is dealing with many daily hassles. Her hour commute to work may be a time hassle, causing her headaches and backaches. Another daily hassle may be health and life concerns. She may feel at fault for losing her child. In fact, undergoing stress previous to becoming pregnant may have caused her to lose the child. Because of the amount of pressure being weighed on Jennifer she has unclear thoughts and may be the reason for her mistakes at work. This is a job hassle.
She is feeling also feeling fatigue and is unable to do daily tasks. Jennifer claims she is happy, but also insists that she is not feeling stress. Jennifer is focusing more on the stressors, she may not realize that she is stressed or may possible be depressed.
2. How are these stressors impacting Jennifer’s self-concept and self-esteem?
Because Jennifer is highly stressed, she may also be suffering from a low self esteem. This can make her feel helpless and have little self worth. Jennifer has questioned her effectiveness as an employee, wife, daughter, and