An example of jeremiad is in The Narrative of the Captivity and the Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson by Mary Rowlandson, when Mrs. Rowlandson describe the third remove and how sick her son was and that they didn't have food just little cold water to drink. She is thinking why this happen to her, then she remembered, "I then remembered how careless I had been of God's holy time; how many Sabbaths I had lost and misspent, and how evilly I had walked in God's sight; which lay so close unto my spirit, that it was easy for me to see how righteous it …show more content…
was with God to cut off the thread of my life and cast me out of His presence forever." Later, God helped her out, but what she said meant that she understood why she deserve it, because she wasn't worshiping or praying enough to God. When she wasn't praying enough that was a sin, so that's why she was captured and was "treated bad." Its when you were little and you got in trouble, then your mother finds out and she grounds you. The unacceptable actions that you did will return and you will have to pay for them.
Another example of jeremiad is in our secondary source which was Women and Children First: The Mayflower Pilgrims by Alicia Crane Williams, which talks about the passengers of the Mayflower, mostly about children and women.
In her article she talks about a woman named Dorothy Bradford which was William Bradford wife. She died when falling overboard on the Mayflower anchored close to Cape Cod. At that time her husband was searching for a place to settle in. She left behind her 2 year old son name John, because she was accompanying her husband to the New World, it was her only child, too. This is an example of jeremiad, because she did something bad; leaving her only son, so that's why she die. Bad actions can make a person