Stanza one begins again by referring to the war as a 'game' for the above reason and also emphasises that it is the 'biggest' game ever known, war is not a game where you may loose points but where it is likely to loose a limb or loose your life. By her saying war it the game, 'the biggest that's played,' Jessie Pope gives a false notion in the first line and makes war sound remarkable when clearly it is not. The 'game' is then repeated to enforce excitement even more. Pope goes on to imply it could be a violent game, appealing to the masculine instinct whilst there is a comparison between 'the red crashing game' and the red blood shed in war, she makes it seem like a boxing match.
Jessie Pope continues to base the poem on a game by stating: 'Who'll grip and tackle the job unafraid?' This shows that Pope's outlook on the war was it was not for cowards but men who will fight for their country and protect their families in every way they can. This is compared to a game like rugby, which was a popular sport amongst men at this time, whilst meaning who