1.) Give examples of needs, wants, and demands that JetBlue customers demonstrate, differentiating these three concepts. What are the implications of each for JetBlue’s practices?
There are several needs that customers that use JetBlue will face. They have the need for food, a place to be seated on the airplane, and they need to know that their flight will be safe. That is just a part of the equation of a flight experience. There are also the amenities that the customers will want. Customers that travel using JetBlue may want a choice between their drinks or snacks. They also want to be able to be comfortable while they are seated on the airplane for an extended period of time. Customers that choose JetBlue may also want a variety of options for entertainment. They want to be able to access Wi-Fi or pick what inflight movie they will watch. While they are in the airport waiting for their plane, they may also want a comfortable terminal. These wants quickly turn into the customer’s demands. The customer will demand that they are able to recline in their seats and still have proper legroom. Customers demand that they get free name brand coffees or sodas. The customers will also demand a high quality for their entertainment. They demand well defined televisions and the access to what they want at a reasonable price. While the customers are waiting, they demand to have a play area for their children. By JetBlue focusing on all of these factors, they are able to tailor a custom design to retain loyal customers.