But the world didn’t know how the Russians would respond although a lot of people expected a strike on this blockade which could later lead to the nuclear dawn. But after 13 days of intensive negotations between the US and Russian officials, a deal has been reached. This
deal stated the following: 1) The Russians would remove their missiles from Cuba. 2) The US wouldn’t launch any attack on Cuba. 3) and it was revealed 25 years later, that JFK has secretly agreed to remove the US missiles from Turkey.
After this crisis, a new term became familiar to the world even though it existed before 1962. This term was “Mutually Assured Destruction” referred to as “MAD” which means that the nuclear stockpiles of a country would be so strong that it’d survive a first nuclear attack by its enemy and it’d be able to respond using its nuclear powers. This concept was the concept behind “Nuclear deterrence” defense strategy because if a country knew that launching a nuclear strike on the other country, it’d be reluctant to attack because it knows that it’d be later destroyed.