The Soviet Union was looking to expand their way of life and basically take away liberty, slowly but surely. It may not have seemed so at first, and it is apparent because of the actions of presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter. With their choices to deny containment in the spirit of trade and relations,
and human rights respectively, they both sought different approaches that acknowledged them as if they were not a threat. But then things changed and the phrase that best captures the idea of a good terms drastically changing is the introduction to Avatar the last Air bender “Everything Changed when the Fire Nation attacked” that is to say when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, they opened all eyes to what they were intending to do, changing the mindset of the very people who trusted them. Their actions made President Carter shift from Détente to containment, thus acknowledging them as expansionist’s that could eventually make their way towards impeding on American Liberty.
Even though it could be thought that the United states was completely misguided in trying to contain the idea of communism, it was justified and helped preserve liberty. The fact that the Soviets made an invasion revealed their true intentions as expansionists, and as threats to the way of life that other regions