Jim makes surviving exceedingly difficult. He emotionally smashes you until the pieces are unrecognizable. You mentally alter forms so as to narrowly squeeze past the psychological damage he hides behind his incredibly fake smile. The best days will be those when Jim is feeling excessively egotistical and decides he needs to be extra time staring at a computer screen. If you're lucky Jim may find it in the goodness of his heart to extend his Christ-like grace to even a sinner like you. Your best strategy will be to avoid Jim at all costs, no matter what kind of mood he's in. This is crucial in the morning. …show more content…
In order to keep any insanity you may have left, never let Jim know about your hopes and dreams for life. Chances are they aren't his hopes and dreams and they too will be crushed under a the weight of disappointed looks, bullying and a forced change of interest. Your best bet is to be fake with Jim from the beginning. This may also wreck you mentally and emotionally, but the injuries you sustain will not be as life threatening as those that Jim will cause if you allow him any really access into your life. Hold tight to the hope that one day survival will no longer be something we do “on the