First there is the Idealist …show more content…
Unlike the Idealist, they have claims to back up their statements; even if the claims are given to them by the government or media. The Jingoist supports the claim that we created the Atomic Bomb because we had no other scarier cloud to hang over the enemies head. How about not involving ourselves in the war in the first place and staying neutral? Even if countries rule differently most get along fine without us intervening in their affairs. This does not matter to a Jingoist who will continue to support America no matter what. According to the Jingoist, we had to “intervene for the sake of humanity.” The real truth is if America did not intervene it would make America look weak. Jingoists could never have Americans be seen as weak, as we cannot achieve global domination if we look weak. Jingoists believe Americans must support the government to the fullest extent we …show more content…
Jingoists support their country no matter what. If there is a draft, so be it. If the government wants to go to war then so be it. It just does not matter to the Jingoist that building atomic bombs are not the way you want to go about showing our strengths to another country. Jingoists believe it is in our biology to fight for our survival, so why would they care about democracy. They only care that the government tries to hide their lies behind the curtain of democracy, “liberty and