Now, you see 12 silhouettes with slow movement emphasizing the connection between their slow movements and the low piano music playing setting up the ritual tone of the piece. Then the six female dancers moved towards the dark up stage and watch the six male dancers under the light performed slow fighting movements with the swords in harmony with the low music. Following, all 12 dancers performed together then five duets faced up stage, and the light dimmed. An individualized duet under a bright light danced with the sword in hand. All the 12 dancers are again under the light and perform in unison. In the end, under a bright light, one duet performs a solo down stage dancing without the sword, while under dimmed light the second duet watched down stage. The second duet performed while the first duet moved up stage with the rest of the dancers under the
Now, you see 12 silhouettes with slow movement emphasizing the connection between their slow movements and the low piano music playing setting up the ritual tone of the piece. Then the six female dancers moved towards the dark up stage and watch the six male dancers under the light performed slow fighting movements with the swords in harmony with the low music. Following, all 12 dancers performed together then five duets faced up stage, and the light dimmed. An individualized duet under a bright light danced with the sword in hand. All the 12 dancers are again under the light and perform in unison. In the end, under a bright light, one duet performs a solo down stage dancing without the sword, while under dimmed light the second duet watched down stage. The second duet performed while the first duet moved up stage with the rest of the dancers under the