The process of job hunting first consists of brainstorming what one is looking for in a job. Brainstorming consists of making a list, a web, or short paragraph of what you are looking for in a job. The brainstorm will have different criteria: expected salary, job description, job environment, location, and other important things one must have for a job.
After brainstorming, finding jobs is the next step. Newspapers and on-line web sites are great resources to start out with. This actually takes the longest time out of the whole job-hunting process. After brainstorming on location, and job description, this should speed up your findings. After finding out several jobs that interests you, researching for the job is the next process.
Researching the jobs you have selected is the most important process. If the company has a website, go to their website and find out more about what the company is about and what they offer. You can also call the company and ask if they can send a pamphlet or a brochure, if they have one. This can give you an idea of what the company is like.