In this story joby is the drummer. his job is to beat the drum a sure steady ever fast rhythm so the army can rush into battle. the general of the army told joby he was the heart of the army.The general explained to him “if he beat slow tomorrow in the battle the heart would beat slow in the men. But if he beat a sure steady ever fast rhythm then their knees would come up in a long line down over that hill one knee after the other.
Joby was kind of scared to go into battle at first.He was scared cause he only had two sticks and a drum to beat with the two sticks. He had no shield, gun or amour so how was he going to protect himself.But when the general told him he was the heart of the army he felt brave and confident in himself he felt like he could do anything.
The peach field near the old creek not far from the church of shiloh is where the battle will take place.The setting of this battle is how this story got its name and that’s why they call joby the drummer boy of shiloh.He is the drummer that’s gonna make the army rush into battle.Or he is the drummer that’s gonna make them slow around and wait for the war to come to him.
The night before the battle the soldiers were lay strew. Getting there rest for the battle.Some of the other soldiers were crying even the general was crying the general was crying cause he know people die in war but his solders don’t know that.The general had said that the soldiers would be like wild horse in the battle. He said that because they had never been in a war before.