John Davison Rockefeller was born July 8, 1839 in southern New York. Rockefeller’s first job was as a bookkeeper, later he formed a partnership with two others in the produce business proving him that he was an intense negotiator. It wasn’t until 1863 that Rockefeller made the best investment of his life. He founded the Cleveland Petroleum refinery (Standard Oil Trust). This investment did not only have an impact in his life, but also in the United States’ business, government and society. The Standard Oil Trust used its business power to change the United States’ economy, culture, technology, environment, and politic.
Content Analysis:
1. Chapter 3 mentioned the levels and spheres of corporate power; the Standard Oil had a huge impact in society at the surface level and the deep level. The power of spheres like the economic, technology, political, cultural, environmental, and power over individual made the Standard Oil to create changes in society. Standard Oil had a substantial impact on society using the economic power on both the surface and the deep level. On the surface level Standard Oil built new refinery and facilities that supplied them (locations), hired new workers and defined the structure of the industry. On the deeper level Standard Oil shaped the United States economy by making fuels that were to be used in the auto industry etc.
The Standard Oil used the cultural power on a deep level in society. As the Standard Oil kept growing up people started to change their attitude toward big businesses. The Standard Oil Trust controlled the business operations challenging the public. The corporation had a lot more power and people were afraid of that power. Until this day the same fair still exist in society. The power of individuals was affected on the surface level, being the largest company Standard Oil affected many people’s lives; competitors, suppliers, stakeholders and employees. On the deep level Standard Oil affected the