They went from Antioch to Cyprus. Here is where Barnabas’s name comes into play since Barnabas means “son of encouragement”. Though there is not much more said about Barnabas’s trip even though it has become evident that it was a huge success. The Gospel was spread quicker with both Paul and Barnabas being separated and true to his name Barnabas was definitely an encouragement to Mark. Wiersbe stated in his New Testament Commentary, Barnabas wanted to give John Mark the chance to serve the Lord, basically to redeem himself for walking away on the first missionary journey. And redeem himself he most certainly
They went from Antioch to Cyprus. Here is where Barnabas’s name comes into play since Barnabas means “son of encouragement”. Though there is not much more said about Barnabas’s trip even though it has become evident that it was a huge success. The Gospel was spread quicker with both Paul and Barnabas being separated and true to his name Barnabas was definitely an encouragement to Mark. Wiersbe stated in his New Testament Commentary, Barnabas wanted to give John Mark the chance to serve the Lord, basically to redeem himself for walking away on the first missionary journey. And redeem himself he most certainly