There are no accounts of the life of Pocahontas given by Pocahontas. Much of the accounts of Pocahontas life also came from Captain John Smith.
John Smith was a soldier and an adventurer, and a member of the group of English settler organized by England’s Virginia Company.
At the time of the English arrival in the Chesapeake are (now Virginia) the land was already home to the Indians united under chief Powhatan and the English ended up there in their search for fortune. Their search for gold failed so they began to grow tobacco and in turn sold it to England, which turn out to be very profitable. They
came to Jamestown with both religious and prosperity motives.
Upon their arrival the Indians recognized that the Indians were pretty clueless. They did not know how to find food, however, they had guns so there were opportunity for forcefully taking what the Indians had, to start a war, and to trade. However, John Smith made it clear that the colonists should not steal food from the Indians.
In just a short time they tried to covert the Native Indians to Protestant Christianity. None the less, the Native Indians and the English settlers had one of the worst relationships in all of American history.