John's life began in the womb of Elizabeth (Mary's - the mother of Jesus' - cousin). Mary received word that her cousin Elizabeth was with child, and Mary happened to be with child, too. The difference was Elizabeth was with child via a husband, but Mary was with child via the Holy Spirit. Mary went to be with her cousin Elizabeth for a few months while she had her son, John. So we see that even before John was born, he was set apart. I mean, he was - just by existing - the cousin of Jesus Christ! What an incredible way to start your life!
As John becomes a man, he sets himself apart - knowing his purpose and preparing himself for his future in ministry. He does this by spending many, many years in the wilderness, being raised and prepared to make the highway for the gospel. He wore a cloak of fur, and ate a diet of Locust and honey (Jackson, 1). As the coming age of the Messiah's ministry was near, John emerged from his wilderness ways. …show more content…
Needless to say, writing and reading about this man has done nothing but leave me starving for more of God and the cause of discipleship. There are not many areas where I feel like I can directly relate to John the Baptist. But I think one of the biggest areas is his introversion and lack of social concern. I find myself keeping quiet and straying from social events where there are more than three or four people. I do not enjoy being the center of attention, but like John - if it is for the sake of Christ - I think I could