
John Winthrop's Contribution To The American Revolution

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John Winthrop's Contribution To The American Revolution
Consequently, American revolutionaries undercut the idea of complete obedience to the King using Puritan principles. Adams (1765) explored the connection between the human soul and the right to self-governance which can be traced to John Winthrop's (1630) "A Modell of Christian Charity.” To showcase Christian values, Winthrop (1630) believed that in America, "The Lord will ...delight to dwell among [them and abudantly bless all]...Soe that [they] shall see much more of his wisdome, power, goodness and truthe, than formerly [they] haue been acquainted with." Due to the Lord’s blessing of their inner and external growth in the colonies, he suggested that the Americans were better than they used to be. In agreement with the enlightenment of the colonies, Adams (1765) asserted that the American people have "exalted soul[s]" that inspire them to be independent and to control power within the limits of reason and equity. Similarly, Jefferson …show more content…
Highlighting the hardships of reformation, St. John Bolingbroke (1738) said: “To perform, therefore, so great a work, as to reinfuse the spirit of liberty, to reform the morals, and to raise the sentiments of a people, much time is required.” Americans invested their time and effort, with many sacrificing their own lives, in developing the colonies which are signs of the spirit of independence as well as their leadership capabilities. Furthermore, Jefferson (1774) emphasized the hard work of the early colony inhabitants: "America was conquered, and her settlements made, and firmly established, at the expence of individuals, and not of the British public.” If anyone deserves the wealth and control of America, it should be the people in the colonies and not faraway despots. Power should reside in the people and not tyrannical

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