Strategic Alliance
also known as AIM…
1. Strategic Alliance
2. AIM Strategic Alliance
3. Taligent and Kaleida Labs. - Joint Venture Companies
4. Accomplishments
5. Product : PowerPC development
6. AIM’s End
7. Glossary
1. Strategic Alliance
A Strategic Alliance is a formal relationship between two or more parties to pursue a set of goals or to meet a critical business need while remaining independent organizations.
Partners may provide the strategic alliance with resources such as products, distribution channels, manufacturing capability, project funding, capital equipment, knowledge, expertise, or intellectual property. The alliance is a cooperation or collaboration which aims for a synergy where each partner hopes that the benefits from the alliance will be greater than those from individual efforts. The alliance often involves technology transfer (access to knowledge and expertise), economic specialization, shared expenses and shared risk. The advantages of strategic alliance includes:
1. Allowing each partner to concentrate on activities that best match their capabilities.
2. Learning from partners & developing competences that may be more widely exploited elsewhere
3. Adequacy a suitability of the resources & competencies of an organization for it to survive. There are four types of strategic alliances: joint venture, equity strategic alliance, non-equity strategic alliance, and global strategic alliances. I have chosen a joint venture type of alliance from the IT Industry. Joint venture is a strategic alliance in which two or more firms create a legally independent company to share some of their resources and capabilities to develop a competitive advantage. “This fascination with the strategic alliance began about ten years ago, and not too long thereafter every corporation from AT&T to IBM began jumping onto the bandwagon. First, there was the proliferation of the