All responsibilities are shared and during any problems- emotional, financial, etc. the family is there to handle it together. It is a big security system in itself.
Everyone stays happy in a joint family. I think the reason why this practice is diminishing nowadays is not because of changing values but rather for people having to shift owing to jobs- like initially my parents lived in a joint family but later due to jobs in different cities all the brothers spread here and there and finally it was just me, dad, mom, granny and my sis. I don't think that can be actually called a 'nuclear' family. In fact in most families it is the same. Yes, the previous model of all the brothers and sisters and cousins and kaka kaku is not possible now cos of jobs etc but parents still live with their children so it is not really 'nuclear'- a nuclear family in true sense will be one where its only husband wife and children.
I feel joint family is a great arrangement. House is always in merry, everyone there to help. Elders being in the family keeps a sort of discipline in the house and also guide their children in their parenthood.
I think for any family to coexist, the extended and the nuclear, proper understanding must be achieved in various levels. But really interesting to see how you all describe your joint family tradition and the nuclear one probably inspired from western civilizations.
I think, each individual family must weight its own problem, there is nothing that can be generalized in this, as every family and every individual in it are different. The priority must be given to peace and