Jacob tells Joseph to bring them closer so he could bless them. Jacob was half blind due to his age, and Joseph brought the boys before him with Manasseh on the right, and Ephraim on the left. However, Jacob crossed his arms so that he touched Ephraim with is right hand, and Manasseh with his left. Then Jacob bless Joseph, and said, “ May the God of my forefathers bless these boys, and preserve my name, and may their descendants multiply greatly throughout the earth.” Joseph was upset that his father crossed his arm so he went to uncross them. Jacob refused, and said, “ Manasseh will become a great people, but Ephraim will become even greater, and his descendants will turn into multitude of nations.” So Jacob continued with his blessing. Then Jacob tells Joseph, “ I am about to die. God will be with you and will take you back to the land of your ancestors. I have given your an extra portion of land that I have acquired from the
Jacob tells Joseph to bring them closer so he could bless them. Jacob was half blind due to his age, and Joseph brought the boys before him with Manasseh on the right, and Ephraim on the left. However, Jacob crossed his arms so that he touched Ephraim with is right hand, and Manasseh with his left. Then Jacob bless Joseph, and said, “ May the God of my forefathers bless these boys, and preserve my name, and may their descendants multiply greatly throughout the earth.” Joseph was upset that his father crossed his arm so he went to uncross them. Jacob refused, and said, “ Manasseh will become a great people, but Ephraim will become even greater, and his descendants will turn into multitude of nations.” So Jacob continued with his blessing. Then Jacob tells Joseph, “ I am about to die. God will be with you and will take you back to the land of your ancestors. I have given your an extra portion of land that I have acquired from the