Puritans were passionate reformers seeking to bring the Church of England to a state of purity in comparison with Christianity at the time of Christ and decided to form their own religious colonies in America. They considered religion to be a complex and highly intellectual affair. Thus, leaders were highly trained scholars with authoritarian positions that developed a “built-in hierarchism” (http://xroads.virginia.edu/%7eCAP/PURITAN/purhist.html#pil, 3). Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson believed and preached “Individualisme”…
In the time of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson the controversy of separation of church and state was at its prime. This matter has long been an issue in our country’s history and the discussion continues today as we still struggle with the decisions of our forefathers. However, Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson played an important role in shaping the outcome of our country’s laws regarding the severance of church and state.…
Before arriving on my first day of instruction, I believed that my argumentation skills were at a reasonable level and as a result I was not going to learn an abundance in English 2, critical thinking and writing. However, this was not the case. I quickly realized that the pathos, ethos and logos of which was introduced to me in high school, had long lost their meaning and subsequently found myself in the deep end of the swimming pool, once again. With that being said, through learning these concepts, planning for the subsequent tasks and writing the assigned essays, I acquired a substantial amount of knowledge which is widely applicable.…
It was September 14, 1958. Marcel Williams grew up in Detroit, Michigan, not the safest city, who was a sophomore in Mumford High School. Marcel grew up in a poor family with only his mother and two sisters, so he was always helping out and running errands, therefore he learned to stick up for himself and responsibility. He worked at a 7-11 near his house which was the only income in his family because his mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and his two sisters were two young to work. Marcel didn’t have many friends. In fact, his only friend just moved away, so he didn’t have a very good time at school. Marcel always sat in the back of his classes and was either reading or studying to make good grades to get into a good college. He was great at sports considering he was five foot eleven and pretty muscular, and in the fall he made the football team and became the running-back, and became pretty popular.…
Crime is a major problem in our world today. Some people in our country live in fear that they will be the next victim of a crime; they could be robbed, raped, or even murdered. There are so many theories on how to stop crime. One of the theories is the use of the death penalty as a deterrent. There are a lot of issues that surround that idea that make the use of the death penalty just as bad as the accused committing murder. It is very contradictive, inconsistent, and unethical. Although some people believe that the death penalty deters crime, there are many arguments against it. For example, the costs are extremely high, racism is involved, and there are innocent people on death row to list a few.…
In the preface and introduction of the book: “They Say, I Say”, Graff and Birkenstein contend that well written argumentative writing should emphasize on hearing and responding rather than making claims. Based on the suggestions given by students, the revised 2nd edition of the book includes more chapters and features to give students a better understanding of academic writing.…
Herman Webster Mudgett, also known as the infamous H. H. Holmes, was “born with the devil in him.” Holmes committed an estimated 200 murders in his lifetime, and is now known and believed to be America’s first serial killer. His secretive “murder castle,” crimes and arrest, and his trial and execution almost 130 years ago, all has led him to his infamy today.…
John Williams is one of this century’s most popular and successful American orchestral composers. While best known for his film scores and ceremonial music, Williams is also a wellknown composer and conductor of concert works. He has composed the music and served as music director for nearly eighty films. His scores are lush, complex and exciting often relying heavily on brass more than strings. He has an amazing ability to craft a theme that fits the emotional tone of a film and continues to echo that theme at just the right times and levels.…
In the introduction to “They Say/ I Say”: the Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein provide templates designed to help with academic thinking and writing. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer realistically help set up a conversation and argument. As the authors themselves put it, “In our view, then, the best academic writing has one underlying feature: it is deeply engaged in some way with other people's views.” Although some people believe to sound intelligent you must state your claim and provide facts on why your claim is true, Graff and Birkenstein insist that to “play it safe and avoid controversy in your writing” is lifeless. In sum, then, their view is that if you are going to write, write to stir controversy and cause discussion, along with giving the basics to master good academic writing. I agree, in my view, the types of templates that the authors recommend invite people to start conversation and learn different points of views as well as teaching others, and the templates themselves gives people the opportunity to hone the skills of academic writing. For instance, when using the template for writing they get us to include the opposition’s possible belief or rebuttal to our own points, which in return force us as the writer to look beyond just our thoughts and look through other’s eyes. Some might object, of course, on the grounds that our creativity when using templates would be greatly diminished. Yet I would argue that the templates simply give us a cornerstone to start with, and we can build our paper off of it as creative as we want. Overall, then, I believe the templates simply help us practice to become better writers much like practicing sports when you first begin playing, to become the best we can be.…
Therefore, leaving many students with a lack of knowledge of doing things that do not equip them, and leaving many students below par and exposed to the norms available. While, preventing them from becoming effective and succeeding in their academic discourse communities. To support Bartholomae argument, he uses examples of former student essays and how many students struggle with basic writing skills verses how the expert writer writes.…
Preface 5 PART 1 - "THEY SAY" 7 1 "THEY SAY": Starting with What Others Are Saying 7 2 "HER POINT IS": The Art of Summarizing 8 3 "AS HE HIMSELF PUTS IT": The Art of Quoting 9 PART 2 - "I SAY" 11 4 "YES / NO / OKAY, BUT": Three Ways to Respond 11 5 "AND YET": Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say 12 6 "SKEPTICS MAY OBJECT ": Planting a Naysayer in Your Text 13 7 "SO WHAT? WHO CARES?”: Saying Why It Matters 14 PART 3 - TYING IT ALL TOGETHER 16 8 "AS A RESULT": Connecting the Parts 16 9 "AIN'T SO / IS NOT": Academic Writing Doesn't Mean Setting Aside Your Voice 18 10 "BUT DON'T GET ME WRONG": The Art of Metacommentary 19 PART 4 - ENTERING THE CONVERSATION 21 11 "I TAKE YOUR POINT": Entering Class Discussions 21 12 "WHAT'S MOTIVATING THIS WRITER?": Reading for the Conversation 22 13 "ANALYZE THIS": Writing in the Social Sciences 23 PART 5 – READINGS 24 14 IS HIGHER EDUCATION WORTH THE PRICE? 24 ANDREW HACKER AND CLAUDIA DREIFUS, Are Colleges Worth the Price? 24 SANFORD J. UNGAR, The New Liberal Arts 27 DAVID FOSTER WALLACE, Kenyon Commencement Speech 30 LIZ ADDISON, Two Years Are Better Than Four 33 KEVIN CAREY, Why Do You Think They're Called For-Profit Colleges? 35 CHARLES MURRAY, Are Too Many People Going to College? 38 MIKE ROSE, Blue-Collar Brilliance 41 2…
The English III AP (or AP( English Language and Composition) course objectives are to help students become “skilled readers of prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts” and to help students become “skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes” (The College Board, AP( English Course Description, May 2007, May 2008, p. 6). Students are expected to read critically, think analytically, and communicate clearly both in writing and speech, which form the “basis for academic and professional communication.” The purpose of this course is to emphasize “expository, analytical, and argumentative writing” based on selected readings…
Cited: Zinser, Jason. "The Good, The Bad, and The Daily Show." "They Say/I Say": The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing: With Readings. By Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel K. Durst. Norton, 2012. 366-367. Print.…
One area where there is no room for argument is the use of colloquialisms, slang, or street language. Academic writing is formal writing, and you might be penalized for using the wrong register. A little bit of informality here or there will…
Over the course of the past three months, I have had the distinct pleasure of testing my writing capabilities through the Introduction to College Writing course. I have always had a passion for writing in all forms, but in previous years, the course work in grade-level English classes have been unchallenging of my writing ability. I have been heavily involved in Bonneville High School’s newspaper through journalism since my freshman year. This allowed me to strengthen my writing capability as I was drafting throughout the entire school year. I have never truly had to apply myself until I enrolled in English 101. Since the beginning of the class, I have faced various hardships while writing essays in unfamiliar styles, such as drafting a response to a scholarly article and synthesizing opposing perspectives. I have learned that I am more than capable in writing in different styles and that all of my work will be quality content regardless of the topic. I overcame the obstacles that have challenged me, and my essays exhibit that I am fully prepared to continue my work in English 102.…