Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2012
The ACPET Journal for Private Higher Education is published biannually (June and December), and is currently freely available on the ACPET website . The Journal publishes scholarly articles on the theory and practice of higher education in the context of the private sector. It provides up-to-date perspectives of benefit to educators, scholars, students, practitioners, policy-makers and consultants, and covers: • higher education policy and practice • teaching, learning and curriculum design • quality assurance • postgraduate education • academic leadership and management • academic work. Articles should be a maximum of 5,000 words, and will be double-blind peerreviewed. Readers are also invited to submit original commentaries on current issues relevant to private higher education. Commentaries in the form of responses to articles published in prior issues of the Journal are welcome and may be considered for publication. Commentaries should be a maximum of 3,000 words and will be reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board. The commentary may be edited to ensure it fulfils the mission of the Journal. Prospective authors should refer to the guidelines for authors available on ACPET website. Further information is available from the Journal Editor. The views and opinions expressed in any article/commentary, unless otherwise stated, are those of the respective authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor, the Editorial Board or ACPET.
The ACPET Journal for Private Higher Education Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2012 Australian Council for Private Education and Training
Foreword Commentary. Higher Education Tuition Subsidies: An Unnecessary Public Expense? Andrew Norton The Perceptions and Attitudes of International Students Towards Plagiarism Thi Tuyet (June) Tran The Student Experience in Private Higher Education in Australia Chenicheri Sid
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