April 14th,2015
Com 323
Bradfield, S., (2013) Madam & Eve: The Politics of Race and Postcolonial Television in South Africa.
Television & New Media, 14, p.529-545, doi:10.1177/1050651912453639
Race is all around us and will always be around us due to numerous different factors. This idea of determining how people are due to color or socially classifying an individual due to racial background is an issue that lowers any chance of progressive politics. Although race may not seem like an issue but it connects with many things such as class and gender. Race can not only positively affect an individual but it can also negatively affect an individual and this is where an issue arises.
Television is a source of entertainment that is exposed to millions of individuals a day. Shows like
Modern Family draw in huge followings solely due to the material in the sitcom. The shows do a numerous amount of things like relating to the audience, providing some sort of comic relief, pointing out certain issues, etc...This article looked at a comedy sitcom called Madam & Eve. This sitcom not only pointed out issues with race but also with class and gender with a focus on postcolonial South
Africa. The show involved two main individuals. One individual was a white “Madam” and in a higher position in social class. Eve is a younger black individual that was in the working class and also the maid of Madam. Immediately, this show points out an issue of how class and race is currently viewed by having the white in power over the black. With shows like this still out in the open world, individuals will never let this idea of “race” go. Race should be a way to easily define individuals just like individuals define materialistic items. Race is can be a way of power and until it disappears, our progressive politics are at risk. With the final paper in mind, this article can help point out how race is viewed in different areas of the world.
Ashan Allahi
April 14th,2015
Com 323