SOC 261
Prof. Xiaogang Deng
Assignment 1: Part One
Voting No on Allowing Gambling Gambling has most likely been involved in the history of humans ever since they came into existence. Since it is, in essence, the act of relinquishing a possession (such as money) in order for a chance to gain something else of greater value; society has been gambling for centuries. The Romans would attend gladiatorial games in which they would bet on the victor of fights to the death. During the colonial times, cock-fighting gradually became a gambling trend among “gentlemen.” In Chapter II of Roger Dunstan’s book, “Gambling in California” he notes, “One prominent researcher speculates that the appeal of gambling was probably heightened by the frontier spirit. The desire to explore new worlds is similar to gambling. Both rely heavily on high expectations, risk taking, opportunism, and movement.” (1997) As such, gambling can become a pastime depending on the context of the society practicing it. However, according to Dunstan, English investors and other stakeholders of the colonies deducted that gambling showed their poor ability to “sustain themselves” while also relying on support from England. (1997) Gambling may be a quick fix to earn copious amounts of money, but at the same time it can just as easily cause participants to lose money. Furthermore, although gambling does create a form of commerce, it does not directly help societies produce commodities that help keep them prosperous save for producing money for people at randomized and unreliable chances. I have had a pretty bad experience while gambling and actually went bankrupt because of it. It took me a long time to recover from my debt. It wasn’t really the fault of gambling as opposed to me not properly paying attention to my bank account. However, gambling play a role in me getting carried away while spending my money.
Winning while gambling can become a rewarding boon to those who enjoy
Cited: Anderson, Ants, Merike Sisask and Airi Varnik. 2011. “Familicide and Suicide in a Case of Gambling Dependence.” The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. 22(1): 156-168. Dunstan, Roger Hart, James, James A. Schwabach, Sheldon Solomon. 2010. “Going for broke: Mortality Salience Increases Risky Decision Making on the Iowa Gambling Task.” British Journal of Social Psychology. 49: 425-432.