the world. The biggest impact on Jose Arcadio Buendia and his family was when the gypsies brought a block of ice, he described it as a large diamond, and when they touched the ice they were amazed “This is the great invention of our times”. With all this information the readers can tell that the gypsy culture had a great effect in the plot of the story.
Journal entry 2-Culture: The cultural aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude pages 103-201 that I found was the influence of the military and war. There were major conflicts between the liberals and the conservatives which caused wars because of the power that they wanted. A massacre that happened in 1928 in Columbia was the banana worker massacre was started in the book. The banana workers were killed by soldiers because they were on strike, the same situation happened in the book. In the real event the government denied that the situation never happened and in the book a soldier said that nothing happened in Macondo. The military conflicts really changed the plot of the story because it caused kind of darkness to come upon Macondo. People didn’t know exactly why they were fighting for, they first thought it was for pride but they later decided it was for power all along. There were a lot of up and downs for Ursula’s family, everything over all was chaotic. The influence of military and war for the family in the story caused a negative vibe throughout the household and everything in the family.
Colonel Aureliano Buendia was the most influenced in military because he focused only on the wars and politics. He started separating from his family but Ursula reminds him that through his changes, she still has the right to point out what he’s doing wrong even though he believes he’s superior. During this part of the chapter every family member has some kind of internal conflict and confusion, people are being let down, some go back to their old habits, friends become enemies, death, and depression. This part of the book showed most of the down fall of the family, you can tell they start to drift apart as they isolate themselves in their own
Journal entry 3-Culture: The Cultural aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude pages 203-291 that I found was that Macondo was advancing. They brought a train over to Macondo which advanced them technologically, I felt like Macondo was far behind with new inventions coming in. Colonel Aureliano Buendia says “We’re becoming people of quality” (page 212) which signifies how Macondo has changed drastically throughout the years and getting better. There were so many new inventions coming up like the fact that Aureliano Triste set up an ice factory that Jose Arcadio Buendia always dreamed of and now it became reality. Aureliano Triste was in a way the one who moved Macondo because without him they wouldn’t have had the railroads or the train, and the ice factory it was all new to the people. The people of Macondo were introduced to phonographs or record players and everyone had one in each house. Telephones, cinema, and light bulbs started to appear, so many inventions that could be helpful to them, they were so amazed with new inventions coming in (page223). It was interesting how Aureliano Segundo brought in balloons into Macondo which got him good profits all around the world but it didn’t hit off in Macondo simply because they had already seen something similar like that when the gypsies brought in their magic carpets. A group of engineers, agronomists, hydrologists, topographers, and surveyors arrived in which the people of Macondo thought it was a disturbance greater than the gypsies, it was something all new to them. The cultural aspect of these pages did change the plot of the story because now the people of Macondo have so many new resources to cope with and it just advanced their lives.
Journal entry 4-Culture: The Cultural aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude pages 293-397 was the Banana Company and its end and a cleansing state. In this part of the book there is rain for five straight years which signifies that the Banana Company is being wiped out of Macondo. Everything was falling apart in Macondo with so many problems so the rain comes in for 5 years as to say we are starting fresh and all over again. The Banana Company had done so much damage that all they wanted was to wash that out of their minds. Gabriel Garcia Marquez was able depict the actual Banana massacre that had occurred into a fictional version of the massacre in this novel. Pietra Crespi says “Others will be born when it clears” which signifies the hope that she has for the next generation as if she didn’t want them to repeat the same story that everyone has gone through. It can also mean the fact that people will feel born again since the rain signified a sort of cleansing throughout Macondo. Jose Arcadio Segundo dies and now they see Aureliano (II) as the person who stores all the towns’ memories knowing that everyone has forgotten all the things that have happened in Macondo. Although the people of Macondo have started fresh again it seems they keep falling into the same steps as usual once Ursula dies it seems that the wash out through Macondo was no help. Ursula was the only person who kept the whole family together and her death has hit the family hard and the town as well because it seems like everyone has gone to a pre-modern state. The Cultural aspect of this part of the story has changed the plot of throughout because it seemed Macondo was finally going to start fresh but they fall into the same problems all over again.
Journal entry 5- Culture: The cultural aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude pages 399-417 is the apocalyptic state that Macondo is in. Aureliano (II) deciphers Melquiades prophecies in which he finds out that everything written has so far been true and everything is falling apart and will continue to fall apart. The Buendias have become poor and they all seem to be in solitude states every single family member ends up somehow alone as if it was meant to be. They start to realize that no one will remember what they did and who they were; even the town of Macondo won’t be remembered. The Buendia family feels the tension as they drift apart feeling that everything will come to an end. One Hundred Years of Solitude tries to shape a fictional world while mirroring the reality of Gabriel Garcia’s Colombia. Melquiades has served all along as a surrogate for the author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The fact that Amaranta Ursulas child was born with a pigtail as Ursula had predicted represents the sins and all the bad stuff the family has done. It’s a point in which everyone finds the truth about the things going on and they are just going along with whatever happens. No one is really that frightened about what will happen next since they have already been through the worst. There was a point where all the Buendias didn’t even want to be in the house because all it brought was bad memories, and they avoided some rooms to eliminate negative memories and feelings as the house seemed lonely and still as well. The cultural aspect of this part of the book did change the plot of the story because it was kind of a revealing the truth about the Buendia family.
Journal entry 6-Content: The Content aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez pages 1-101 was that the first part of the story develops a rough structure for the novel. This is because it first starts out from the origins of the Buendia family and quickly picks up to their destruction and problems going on throughout the family. Garcia Marquez creates a mythical feeling of the story because he tries to relate the story to things that actually have happened. Garcia Marquez uses a narrative strategy that is evident throughout the novel memory is given the same authority as history, and history is subject to the same emotional colorings and flights of fancy as memory. Throughout this part of the story there is a sense of fantasy vs. memory in the story. Garcia Marquez also uses reality to shape our version of reality he uses magic realism, reality and memory, along with our own subjectivity. The story is also structured to a narrative and it involves biblical proportions. Symbolism is used for example out of the bible the story of Adam and Eve who get tricked into eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge. The same thing is seen as Jose Arcadio Buendia as the gypsy culture and the new inventions drive him to insanity as he feels that he is pursuing knowledge. Later on in the story he is tied on to a tree which clearly symbolizes the biblical story of the tree of knowledge. Garcia Marques uses the typical magic realism just as the distinctions between different times are muddled up, the distinction between the real and the magical, or between the ordinary and the sublime, become confused.
Journal entry 7-Content: The Content aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude pages 103-201 was that at this point the novel is filled with different stories of each character concentrating on each problem and perspective. Garcia Marquez uses this to show how the family is overwhelmed and they are slowly going further and further into solitude. Language functions throughout the novel are used as a barrier between humans, a dilemma inspired by the biblical confusion of Babel. History, for the Buendía family, repeats itself in ever-tightening spirals, drawing the Buendía family inward upon themselves. The author tends to uses his language metaphorically because he wants to avoid graphic and realistic use of language throughout the novel in his descriptions of sex and violence and why a novel that explores all aspects of life, both beautiful and disgusting. García Márquez brings the real world into the realm of the fantastic by using poetic language for magical events. Garcia Marquez brings technological forces of modernization that cause the unraveling of Macondo’s story. He uses the war to signify that the family is going through rough times as well as the town of Macondo and how the wars are breaking apart everyone. The fact that the Buendia family keeps repeating the same names all over again throughout the family shows how Garcia Marquez uses this to symbolize how personality traits will be passed on from generation to generation repeating the same mistakes that they have done.
Journal entry 8- Content: The Content aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude pages 203-291 Garcia Marquez uses modern technology and the pace of modern change to confuse the villagers from reality. The technology around Macondo takes place of supernatural events relating more to reality. García Márquez is attempts to a infuse a confusion that Western industrial technology created in the lives of Latin Americans, whose minds were comfortable with the mythic and the supernatural, but the people are having a hard time adjusting to modern culture. Magic vs. technology is seen the people don’t like cinema because it felt so unreal and very illusion like unlike the ghosts of Jose Arcadio which was taken as a huge phenomenon for the people of Macondo. The banana plantation later becomes the most tragic disturbance for the town because of the way money is handled and the new people that are coming in. Remedios the Beauty is seen as a symbol of innocence in the town of Macondo that it has lost. Death plays a major role for the story because it represents how fast time has gone and so many people dying time after time and the children grow quickly. Garcia Marquez uses time to reflect on human life and the fact that Macondo is like a human being as repetition happens throughout the story. It is not only García Márquez’s experiences and memories that are folded into the narrative but his political beliefs as well. The parties and the uprisings are fictionalized incarnations of the political struggles in García Márquez’s native Colombia; he feels sympathy towards the Liberals as well. García Márquez is not writing fiction but is telling a story about politics and life in Latin America, speaking as the representative of an entire culture.
Journal entry 9-Content: The Content aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude pages 293-397 the five year flood represents a biblical flood from the time of Noah. It is a time in which the people of Macondo should be cleansing. Aureliano begins starts telling a story but his part of the story seems like a hallucination but reality his story represents the reversal mirrors the way in which García Márquez continues to shift the boundaries between reality and fantasy. Ursula becomes a metaphor for the town because she is so old as the town who is small and ignorant of its past and it seems like Macondo has returned to the beginning from where everything originally started. Garcia Marquez uses repetitions in between the family to signify that the family is closer to the end. Mr.Brown is also represented as God and the Angel of death who has brought the rains in order to wash away all traces of the massacre and to erase memory. When Ursula dies her funeral is followed by a horrible heat wave that feels like a plague. The people of the town have all sorts of crazy, superstitious ideas about what brought on the heat. Garcia Marquez uses this to symbolize how a strong figure in the story has the greatest effect in Macondo as if she was the last hope of the town of Macondo. Everything starts to fall apart after her death because she was the whole support of the family and the family starts falling into a solitude state, they have been through it the whole entire time but it hits them the most during this time.
Journal entry 10- Content: The Content aspect of One Hundred Years of Solitude pages 399-417 Macondo has become a world closed in upon itself: self-referential and encompassing the full scope of human emotion and human experience. Garcia Marquez expresses reality when it comes to this part now that only two members of the Buendia family are left and it seems that time has run out and somehow represents all humanity. Marquez uses connections to the past and the future occurring at the same time on purpose to show certain events progressing. Melquíades has left behind a prophecy of the history of the town, which is accurate to the last detail, the text of the prophecy mirrors the reality of the town’s history. The prophecy has succeeded as literature that simultaneously shapes and mirrors reality, just as One Hundred Years of Solitude tries to shape a fictional world while simultaneously mirroring the reality of García Márquez’s Colombia. The author tries to convey that Macondo is a city made of glass and of mirrors that reflect back the reality of the author’s world. The author uses the solitude in the characters at the end to signify how the whole family has progressed over time. By coupling mirrors with mirages, which are fictional images, García Márquez invites us to question the reality of Macondo and forces us to be aware of our own act of reading and imagining the story of the town. García Márquez attaches supernatural power to the act of interpreting a story, and he makes reading an action capable of destroying a town and erasing memory.