Possible questions
Section 1 (9 questions):
Week 2 1. Define the news: * “anything you can find out today that you didn’t know before” * “new or interesting information” * “anything that makes the reader say gee whiz” * “news is information people need to make sound decisions”
2. What does the news do? * Satisfy our needs and problems * Communicate with each other and get to know who our friends and enemies are.
3. What is media? * A channel, a means to an end * Communication technology (TV films, newspapers, magazines, advertisements, radio, video games, papers, iPods, internet, computers, phones etc.) * Mass media = connect with the masses (people/group) based on age, education and culture.
4. What does journalistic style require?
To write: * Efficiently * impressively * Economically * Objectively
5. What is journalism?
Very simply put journalism is a system where people get the news, a service which contributes information which ensures people remain free and self-governing.
Journalism listens to people’s concerns and what interests them. Helps readers make up their own minds about issues and policies.
Week 3 1. List the theories in the media: the magic bullet, limited effects, the two step flow theory, the spiral of silence, agenda setting and third person effect. 2. What is print media?
The press – conveys information/news and commentary in print. 3. Journalistic style means to? * Write the most important things first, start with the main point of your story. Get your introduction right. State what your news story is about. * Tell what has happened before why or how it has happened (put the bare facts before wider facts) * Write backwards – chronologically (begins with the climax and details followed by, in order, diminishing importance.) * Have short paragraphs which consist of one –two sentences