JROTC is unique because it uses a clear chain of command that consists of the students themselves. The fact that the organization is cadet-run is great because it gives us the independence to make decisions that impact us directly and we are free to make the organization our own. Personally, I gained more confidence, better people skills, and personality. JROTC brings out the best in cadets because of the high level of maturity expected of them from the instructors and the huge student involvement in running the program. The program also prepares us for life after high school, helping us to learn our personality types and how to interact with other types. We learn to step outside our comfort zone and become acquainted with the world around us; the world we are to survive in after graduation.
Many people think that JROTC is a recruiting service for the military. In reality, it is a great program that teaches leadership to students and is a worthwhile investment in one’s future, whatever their interests may be. I fell in love with JROTC because it is a place where I am surrounded by friends; not just good friends but wonderful people who respected me for whom I am. JROTC taught me how to be a leader, and just as importantly, how to be a good follower. I've learned that if I show people the values that I have, such as respect, service, loyalty, friendship and courage, they will respond in similar fashion.