When people give their opinion they are looked at as a bad person. Most of the time when people give their …show more content…
They like to stick to what they normally do and how its something usually is. Whenever they encounter something they are not within their comfort zone they treat it as a negative aspect. For example, if they come across someone who has a different hairstyle or dresses differently than the way they do they are automatically judging them just because it is not what they are used to.
Judging someone based off of their outward appearance can hurt someone's self-esteem. Going back to the "old days", none wouldn't want someone to treat them that way so it is not acceptable to give anyone else that treatment. This is not something that should occur because they never know why someone goes about their life the way that they do and what circumstance they face on a daily basis. Even judging them the slightest bit may determine the life of death for that person.
When someone goes day by day living in judgment there is usually something they don't like about themselves or an issue that happened in the past that changed their mindset to think that nothing is ever right causing them to judge other "books" by their "cover". They have allowed themselves get to the point in life where they have a low self-esteem and can no longer look at the world and the things within it the same