Assignment 303
Everyone is born into this world by the choice of the parents, no one asked for it. And so we all have no choice into which country we are born, who our parents are, what sex we are, and the colour of our skin. But all of these factors combined give us our culture. It makes us who we are.
As we grow older our parents or peers instil us with a set of beliefs, moral and social, and this stays with us up to the age where we are able to think and act independently. Then we are able to change these beliefs to that of our own. This then allows us to have a set of preferences for the way we live our life.
What happened in our past we cannot change, and it is from our past that gives …show more content…
By all sticking to the same set of standards and beliefs we can ensure a fair service is provided to …show more content…
No. It means that we have a common set of values that we will all abide by in order to treat all people fairly. For example not treating male residents any different to female residents, offering them the same opportunities. But we must also understand very clearly that each individual has their own set of beliefs, culture and heritage and that we must not discriminate base on this. What we can do is learn to understand this. Embrace it and promote it.
It is very easy to believe that our own way of doing thing is correct and anyone different is wrong or inferior. This is due to a lack of understanding of the unknown. When we start to understand more about the unknown it becomes the known and so is more acceptable to us. So by understanding and respecting the beliefs of others we can learn very much.
The whole practise of understanding others and respecting there values is not only essential to provide an equal and comfortable work space. It is the key tool in promoting wellbeing, happiness and a sense of inclusion in our residents and staff.
If we all stuck to our own beliefs we would all be alone and feel different from all others. By showing understanding and respect we can learn and respect each other and make for a happier place to be.
Assignment 303