In the year of 2008, Barack Obama was nominated as the Democratic candidate, while McCain was Republican candidate, and the two engaged in three presidential debates. They represented for the different party that held different ideology of policy. Obama opposed tax reduction of Bush government to the rich people whose annual income are more than 250,000 dollars, set him against Iraq war, supported re-negotiation of NAFTA and the free trade between Peru and America, stood up for ‘mainly paid by employee’ health insurance systems and imposing the ‘State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)’ to cover uninsured children (Levey, 2009), and emphasized that diplomatic negotiation is far more important than military action. While McCain backed up extending Bush government’s income tax reduction and planed to reduce tax rate of enterprise from 35% to 25%, supported Iraq war and free trade with Columbia, Korea and Panama, opposed any change to NAFTA and the implementation of state health insurance plan of federal government, and called on that America must perform more positively and powerfully on the international diplomatic stage. Although the representative of Liberal Democrat- Obama won in the debate and became the 44th President of the United States, we cannot just ignore the important role, which was played by the Conservative Republican. The Republican and Democrat have done so seems to be driven by different sets of ideology- Conservative and Liberal. This research examines whether other people can evaluate these two political orientations by just looking at the faces of these people, and whether same ethnicity will make the judgement more accurately.
The importance of face judgement
As we known that accurate person perception is highly important for social interaction and for the individuals’ goal attainment (Schaller, 2008; Zebrowitz & Montepare,
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