Savannah State University
April 6, 2014
The situation in Africa concerning the AIDS/HIV epidemic is that aids in Africa marks a really extreme severe development crisis in Africa. This is still today the worst affected area in the world. In sub-Saharan Africa about Forty-Two million people live with HIV/AIDS. The epidemic claimed almost about 2.4 million people in Africa and about 3.1 million lives are taken each year (HIV/AIDS Situation in Africa 2014). The average life expectancy in Africa in today’s society is only about 47 years, but if living without HIV/AIDS then it would be at least 62 years of age. The HIV/AIDS stigma in Africa is a main problematic despite the widespread of the epidemic. In Africa too many partners and unprotected sex seems to be the key problem concerning HIV/AIDS spread throughout the region (HIV/AIDS Situation in Africa, 2014). AIDS is the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa. Certain regions of Africa are not going to get any better to the lack of medicine and the country is poor to afford the right treatment to prevent HIV/AIDS.
The role of the International Community in helping the spread of HIV/AIDS is a particular significance. The International Community really focused on the women more that have HIV/AIDS, because they most vulnerable to the disease. The International Community is not putting in the effort they should be doing helping to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. One of the ways The International Community should help Africa making the medicine inexpensive, so that the Africans could afford the medicine to get better. They are trying their best to help the spreading of HIV/AIDS, but due to financial situations they are making sure when they to help and send the appropriate medicine they will not go into dept. Overall the International Community can help a little be more, but it is so much they can do.
The ongoing struggle to provide medication is Africans cannot afford to
References: TIME TO INTERVENE: PREVENTING THE SPREAD OF HIV/AIDS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA (2014) Gender Issues in HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Sub-Saharan Africa (2012) South Africa 's HIV treatment challenge (2013) l