Written Assignment: Short Essay
(30% of overall grade for History and Contextual Studies I)
Assignment brief
Critically evaluate a visual artwork of your choice, with reference to its history and context. Your essay should include:
1. An analysis of the work’s physical, visual and aesthetic characteristics, imagery and symbolism (where appropriate)
2. A brief background to the artist/maker
3. An argument about how the work relates to a wider history/histories of art and the time and culture in which it was created. (e.g. How did the work express or criticize the history, society and culture of its time? Was it significant within a particular art movement? If so, why? Did the work inspire other works by other artists? If so, in what ways?
4. Analyse and compare at least two accounts/interpretations of the work by art historians. (e.g. how has the work been ‘positioned’ within a particular movement or history or art? If so, why? Have opinions about, and the meaning of the work changed over time? Do the authors have a particular agenda in writing about the work?)
Your essay should concentrate on critical anlaysis and evaluation of your chosen artwork (i.e. points 1, 3 & 4)
It should feature an introduction and conclusion that introduce and summarize the main points in the essay.
Strong answers will demonstrate language and terminology appropriate to art history and draw on multiple sources (books, articles, interviews, etc)
Essay Criteria
Your essay should be between 1,500-2,000 words.
Your essay should be typed in size 12 Times New Roman font, justified, and formatted with a spacing of 1.5.
Clear images (72-100 dpi) of relevant artworks or objects should be included.
Essays should be titled and submitted via the Learning Portal as a Word Document.
Your essay must be original and all information sources must be cited appropriately. Plagiarised submissions