Chapter 1 Quiz
1. Chapter One opens by describing the work of artist Cai Guo-Qiang. Gunpowder is an unusual material to draw with and the sky is an unusual surface to draw on! What reasons does the artist give for using gunpowder as his drawing material?
Cai Guo-Qiang wished to create beauty from something like gunpowder, which is originally considered a force of destruction.
2. On page 3, the author (Sayre p.3) states: “Appreciating art is never just a question of accepting visual stimuli, but also involves intelligently contemplating why and how works of art come to be made and have meaning.” What questions does the author suggest that you ask when viewing and considering a work of art?
The author suggest that we ask ourselves: “What is the purpose of this work of art (and what is the purpose of art in general)? What does it mean? What is my reaction to the work and why do I feel this way? How do the formal qualities of the work-such as color, its organization, its size and scale-affect my reaction? What do I value in works of art?”
3. What one desire do all artists have in common?
All artists share the fundamental desire to create.
4. What are the four roles identified in your textbook that artists play
The four roles artist play are: 1) they help us to see the world in new and innovative ways; 2) they create a visual record of their time and place; 3) they make functional objects and structures more pleasurable by imbuing them with beauty and meaning; and 4) they give form to immaterial ideas and feelings.
5. After viewing the video of Yayoi Kusama’s installation, how would you describe your experience?
In my opinion Yayoi Kusama’s installation seems to portrait how enormous our universe is. It makes me feel and see how infinite the universe really is, as if there is no beginning and no end.
6. What do John Ahearn and Rigoberto Torres state as their reason for creating their sculptures?
John Ahearn and