The majority of the Juggalo sub-culture following, which constitutes the non-criminal element, likens themselves to a “family". The sub-set groups constituting the criminal element have broken off of the mainstream Juggalo subculture. These individuals have been identified as a younger generation taking the sub-culture to a different level, evolving the group into gangs or cliques. Most criminally-active Juggalos claim that their identity as a member of the Juggalo community is a lifestyle society has placed upon them.
The "good" Juggalos are the ones that are most upset about the gang status that has been put upon them. The Juggalo community is very diverse and not only includes the likes of redneck nodules but also college graduated, scientists, neuroscientists and people from all walks of like. Just as there are violent Juggalos who openly talk about loving to stab people there are also good Juggalos who have tried hard to reverse the bad rep that Juggalos have gotten by starting charities such as The Juggalos making a difference foundation, The dead Stephanie Juggalo cleanup crew, and hatchet house community