Juicy Couture Advertising Analysis.
Typical high fashion advertisements consist of a beautiful female model, wearing the most expensive clothing, looking classy and elegant. Somewhere there is usually a toned gorgeous man looking at her in awe, also wearing incredibly fashionable clothing. These ads, however effective on the minds of the masses, are not the same approach the infamous Juicy Couture brand takes. Bought by all types of women, from mothers to teenage girls, everyone wants to be part of the Juicy phenomenon. Juicy Couture’s image isn’t the stereotypical wealthy, high fashion kind of depiction. They show a more mainstream glamour and luxurious wealth. Their bedazzled track suits and terrier crowned logo shows their abnormal high end fashion. However, the brand is still very fabulous and expensive being “Made in Glamorous USA” (“JuicyDeals”). The advertisements of Juicy Couture try to show this same kind of image. The usual Juicy advertisements are displays of a picturesque suspended girl universe, by reflecting a modern, girlish, avant-garde display with a whimsical kind of spirit (Brown et al). Interesting and bizarre, they never fail to catch the eyes of women and girls of every age and race. Juicy couture has a different and outrageous kind of style that never fails to tap into the needs and desires of girls all over. According to their ads, with Juicy couture women can be prominent, can dominate, and can definitely get anything they want.
In 2009, Juicy ran an ad campaign titled “Do the Dont’s.” Each ad depicted models breaking the rules, being rebellious, and going against what is expected by society. One of the ads shows a women dressed in business-like attire, pale skin, and hair done up in a boy-like style. She is leaning against a man dressed in complete contrast to her. He’s tan and dressed in a more feminine fashion with long shaggy hair, a tulle skirt, and carrying a purse. He stands causally like a female with his hip cocked out to the side. In the background you see a pink
Cited: Brown, AnnaLisse, Perry Esing , and Talia Tiffany . Do the Dont 's Juicy Couture n.pag. academic.reed.edu. Web. 3 Oct 2012.
Fowles, Jib. "Advertising 's Fifteen Appeals." Common Culture. Ed. Micheal Petracca and Ed. Madeliene Sorpure. Seventh Edition. New Jersay : Pearson, 2012. 54-72. Print.
"Juicy Couture History and Information." JuicyDeals. Juicy Couture Deals, 2009. Web. Web. 3 Oct. 2012. <http://juicycouturedeals.com/juicy-couture-history-and-information/>.