In the summer of 1949, the Federal Bureau of Investigation gained knowledge that the secret of the construction of the atom bomb had been stolen and had been turned over to the Soviet Union. Further investigation revealed that Julius Rosenberg had begun associating with Ethel Greenglass (later Ethel Rosenberg) around 1932. Both became devoted communists between 1932 and 1935, after which they strongly believed that “nothing was more important than the communist cause.” ("The Atom Spy…
President Kennedy was first struck by a bullet which entered at the back of his neck and exited through the lower portion of his neck, causing a wound which would not necessarily have been lethal.…
The crematoria made for the mass killings and incineration in the Holocaust had to come from somewhere. The firm, Topf & Sohn (of Erfurt), were responsible for the machines that would soon help the Nazis burn the bodies of victims of the Holocaust. Ludwig Topf, CEO of the firm, committed suicide after being blamed for being an accessory in the crime claiming that he was under no fault and it was an injustice to be persecuted. His brother Ernst-Wolfgang did escape persecution and tried to restart the business which failed due to bankruptcy.…
THE MOB FELT BETRAYED IN 1963. Chicago godfather Sam Giancana had helped Kennedy win the 1960 election through skulduggery, and Miami mobster Santos Trafficante had aided the CIA in its assassination attempts on Castro. But rather than pledging their loyalty, the Kennedys launched an all-out campaign against organized crime. Attorney General Robert Kennedy first went after Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa and then deported New Orleans syndicate boss Carlos Marcello to Guatemala. Pushed around long enough, and angry at the president for going soft on Castro -- who had shut down its lucrative Cuban casinos -- the mob made someone an offer he couldn't refuse. Oswald was either its hit man or its patsy. Upon his arrest, the mob dispatched Jack Ruby to silence him.…
travel to the Soviet Union after he was discharged from the CIA. On October 1959,…
During the past couple of weeks I have seen countless theories on JFK's assassination that has made me rethink over and over again on who could possibly be the assassin. I made my opinion on the facts and the theories that I learned in class during notes and the movies.…
Friday, November 22nd, 1963: The President of the United States, John F. Kennedy was traveling through Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. While riding down the street with his wife, Jacqueline, a bullet hit JFK at 12:30 p.m. Two other shots followed and Kennedy was struck. His body was sent to the Parkland Hospital where JFK was pronounced dead. Then against the wishes of Texas authorities, the body was flown to Washington where autopsies were taken place and he was later buried. This was the event of the assassination of our 35th president. There are many supposed reasons and theories as to why the president was shot and still today people try to link together pieces to the story.…
President John F. Kennedy was the 35th and youngest president to take office. JFK was born May 29, 1917 in Brooklyn, Massachusetts. According to, “from a young age he was set on a path to political greatness.” After attending Harvard, John F. Kennedy joined the U.S. Navy. Unfortunately after two sailors died and Kennedy badly injured his back, he was discharged from the Navy. Upon discharge, he earned a Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his heroic actions and a Purple Heart for his injuries to his back. After the Navy, JFK was a reporter for Hearst Newspapers for a very short time. After working for the Hearst Newspapers, JFK began his political journey at the age of 29. In 1946, he decided to run for…
One of the most disputatious case in the history of America is the assassination of Mr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the Commander in Chief of the United States of America. In the Case of Lee Harvey Oswald, I will prove that Mr. Oswald is innocent without a shadow of a doubt, due to the conspicuous yet controversial facts and evidences that substantially stands out. Who in the right mind would think that Mr. Oswald is guilty, when he is just a regular citizen whose life seemed like a collection of clichés from a movie, even though he was a latchkey child, he was able to be independent and stand on his own .…
A). One of the main fears arising in the country was the fear of communists within the country itself and many people knew that it could have very bad consequences if communism infiltrated the sanctuary of democracy (Doc. B). In order to keep the crowds’ fears under control, Eisenhower (along with Truman’s previous actions) helped to create the Loyalty Review Board. This helped the government to sort out the bad weeds within its very own structure. The next organization created helped find communists, too. This committee was known as the HUAC, which was lead by future president Richard Nixon. He helped to capture many communists and his most famous was his take-down of Alger Hiss. Another important event that took place was the arrest and eventual execution of the Rosenbergs, who were secretly passing information to the Soviets about the atomic bomb. The final event that helped ease the fears of…
Joseph McCarthy was a junior senator from Wisconsin who gave a speech in West Virginia in February 1950 in which he made the threat of communism clear to the people, “Today, only six years later, there are 800 million people under the absolute domination of Soviet Russia - an increase of over 400 percent. On our side the figure has shrunk to around 500 million. In other words, in less than six years the odds have changed from 9 to 1 in our favor to 8 to 5 against us” (Document G). The Soviet Union, whose form of government is communism, are extraordinarily dangerous. With the rate they are spreading world domination would not be far. With the 800 million the Soviet Russia has under their hand they can take on big powers such as the US. The…
The Hiss and Rosenberg trials were very politically convenient for the federal government. The trials were politically convenient because the federal government finally provided proof that there was something to fear and that “communist infiltration” and “espionage” was real. During the time there was a "culture war" going on in America because of the current “Cold War”. Throughout the “culture war” fear of treason, terror, and espionage threats was one of the ways that the government supported “anti-communist” feelings. Anti-communism became evident throughout the nation with the Hiss and Rosenberg trials, the main causes of the hysteria. This hysteria in history can be compared to the hysteria happening today known as “anti-terrorism”.…
His brother Robert Kennedy, who served as Attorney General during the Kennedy administration broke down on organized crime. One theory declares that the Mob was ireful with attempts by Robert. The mafia had no real interest in John F. Kennedy. Maybe his brother Robert, but not the President.Alliance between the Soviet Union and US were extremely low at the time of Kennedy's death, with both sides not able to trust each other. One popular theory is that Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet Premier, instructed the attack on Kennedy because he was abashed at having to give up following the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 gave very good reasons not to like Kennedy to the Soviet security agency KGB. A version of the theory also suggests…
Did Adolph Hitler really commit suicide on April 30, 1945? Hitler is believed to have poisoned and shot himself along with his newlywed wife, Eva Braun, on April 30, 1945 while in an underground bunker in Berlin. Then, Hitler and his wife’s body were burned outside the bunker. However, many questioned whether this really happened so they have conspiracies on Hitler’s death. Three main conspiracies that really challenge Hitler’s suicide are that the skull found in the bunker did not belong to him, no shots were heard by bystanders in the bunker, and he had an imposter kill himself. So Hitler’s death may have been a hoax due to the evidence from several sources, showing that Hitler may have never committed suicide in that bunker and he had escaped from Germany.…
War crimes trials are trials of persons charged with criminal violation of the laws and customs of war and related principles of international law. The records of the war crimes trials after World War 2 provide some of the most comprehensive formulations of the concept of war crimes. After the devastating amount of crime committed during World War 2, the law was the only way to seek justice on the accused war criminals.…