
Julius Caesar Persuasive Speech

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Julius Caesar Persuasive Speech
I have seen many deaths in our beautiful Rome throughout my career. However, not one quite this brutal. Not one quite this effective in turning us into lunatics. Pompey’s death seemed to go over our heads like the clouds, and today we mourn yet another good man of Rome. I’m a Roman judge who goes by the name of Atria Tasia. I hold no bias in my heart for neither Caesar or the conspirators, however, there are reasons to support and oppose the two parties. I’ve worked on many cases neutrally and can do the same thing in this situation. Undoubtedly we are all gathered here because of the, frankly, ruthless murder of Julius Caesar. Unfortunate for others and fortunate for others, it is a topic we must address. Caesar was killed for, as Brutus …show more content…
His reforms have led our beautiful Rome to be a more comfortable place for all of the citizens. The man who lies before us was not someone who just cared about himself. He made it obvious to all of us that he cared about every citizen, rich or poor. Although we may not have heard about it, Caesar redistributed land among Romans who aren’t as fortunate as us (Mark). If there is any group of people in Rome that consistently struggle, it is the poor. If we want them to stay here and continue making our country a great place, we must support them, and Caesar did just that. However, this man did not just focus on certain groups of people at a time. He rallied for all of us. Taxes weighed us down as Romans and they were sometimes too heavy to bear. And of course, Caesar abolished the tax system with no second thoughts (Mark). It’s undeniable how these taxes affected our families and loved ones. Caesar saw his citizens in despair and took action to help us. He continuously proved to us his unconditional love and support, and we can not ignore the actions he took to make Rome a better …show more content…
We all know of Caesar’s business in Gaul. He defeated many tribes threatening Rome’s safety as we feared that we would be pillaged (Lyons). Without this fearless man, would we be as safe as we are today? Our beautiful Rome easily could’ve been destroyed. It is something we must consider. In fact, his conquests proved him to be a popular figure among our citizens. When Caesar returned to Rome just recently, the people reacted swiftly and greatly. They were overwhelmed with appreciation and support. His accomplishments were so impressive that plebeians quickly forgot about Pompey, a man who they used to worship (Shakespeare 1.1.38-45). Pompey was undoubtedly a well-respected man, but Caesar’s return truly proved how well he was liked by our people. The great conquests of this man have manifested him not only as a great leader but a likable man to all of us. He is a man we can not deny the powers

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